University Preparation

Our University Preparation Course aims to enhance students' writing, research, problem-solving, communication, and critical thinking skills, leading to improved academic performance in high school and greater confidence in university studies. The main focus is refining their organization, communication, presentation, and writing abilities, improving marks and increasing self-assurance. We achieve this by teaching students how to…

  • Theme 1: Enriched Social Sciences

    Class 1. Theoretical Synthesis: Integrate various social science theories. Introduction to Psychology: What do Psychologists do?

    Class 2. Theorist Impact: Assess the lasting impact of key theorists in Psychology. Examine the theories of Freud, Jung, and Skinner. Explore dreams and the Unconscious. How can knowing psychology help us be happier and more successful?

    Class 3. Global Dynamics: Analyze the dynamics of complex global issues. Explore what social scientists, political scientists and sociologists do.

    Class 4. Human Nature, Crime & Punishment: Discuss Criminology & Criminal Minds. Genetic and Environmental influences on criminal behavior.

    Class 5. Digital, Informational, and Media Literacy: Learn advanced research and verification techniques. Critique media’s role in shaping public opinion.

    1. Theme 2: Enhanced Language Arts

      Class 6. Science Fiction & Sociology. Writing Workshop: Refine and improve writing skills.

      Class 7. Myth and Narrative: Investigate familiar and strange global myths and narratives to understand how these stories and frameworks shape our perception of the world.

      Class 8. Public Speaking: Guest Speaker TBA

      Class 9. Thesis Development: Develop and defend complex thesis statements.  Engage in literary analysis of several timeless short stories from different genres.

      Class 10. Literary Analysis and Criticism: Student-led book presentations.

      1. Theme 3: Philosophy, the Self and Society

        Class 11. Philosophy that has Shaped the World Part I: Examine the major philosophical concepts that have shaped human thinking and endeavors. Master complex reasoning techniques. Search for truth, logic, and objectivity.

        Class 12. Philosophy that has Shaped the World Part II: Continue examining the major philosophical concepts that have shaped human thinking and action. Master complex reasoning techniques. Search for truth, logic, and objectivity.

        Class 13. Emotional and Cultural Intelligence: Learn and apply emotional intelligence in daily and complex situations. Equip students to lead initiatives in schools, universities, or workplaces that foster understanding and collaboration.

        Class 14. Social Skills: Introduction to negotiation and advanced interpersonal relations.

        Class 15. Integrated Philosophical Contemplation is the fusion of philosophical reasoning with emotional, social, and cultural awareness. This class examines links between history, religion, geography, identity, intellect, and knowledge.

        1. Theme 4: Science & Technology

          Class 16. Technological Frontiers: Explore the frontiers of science and technology. Investigate space exploration, the James Webb Telescope’s findings, and the phenomena of Quantum Entanglement.

          Class 17. Technological Frontiers: Algorithms, Quantum Computing, Medical Imaging, Ethical issues

          Class 18. Tech and Society: CRISPR and Neuralink. Analyze the societal impact of technology.

          Class 19. TBA – Class to be based on students’ interests.

          Class 20. TBA – Class to be based on students’ interests.

        2. Theme 5: Paradigms and Critical Thinking

          Class 21. Paradigms & Research:  Understand what paradigms are and how they shape a variety of contemporary disciplines. What are the 3 pillars of research paradigms? Learn about the four major research paradigms.

          Class 22. Conspiracy Theories, Belief Systems, and Society: Utilize critical thinking exercises to analyze conspiracy theories. Examine the societal impact of divergent belief systems.

          Class 23. Scientific Revolutions: Discuss and analyze major scientific revolutions using the critical thinking tools learned in this course.

          Class 24. Changing Education Paradigms: We explore competing ideas about schooling and education.

          Class 25. Beyond Epistemology: We discuss how to formulate truth, our goals, and meaning and in a world often designed to take advantage of us through deceit, distortion and lies.  

          1. Theme 6: Cosmology & University Preparation

            Class 26. Cosmological Mysteries: Analyze and debate cosmological mysteries.

            Class 27. Space Colonization: Discuss the future of space colonization.

            Class 28. Cosmological Impact: Discuss the impact of cosmology on human thought.

            Class 29. University Preparation Application Primer: Learn how to organize and prepare for university applications

            Class 30. University Preparation Application Primer: Understand the requirements for essay and verbal questions in the application process.

            Class 31. Course Review and Test

            Class 32. Course Review and Test